19 October 2020

Top 5 reasons you need to use your annual leave

An experts opinion on why you should take a break

Written by Poppy at Luminate

You wouldn’t think that people needed convincing to take their annual leave, to have a break or a holiday. But this is the case for Britons: evidence shows that we are simply not very good at giving it a rest. Workplace wellbeing and mental health consultancy, Luminate, had a look into why this might be and have built a case illustrating the importance of empowering yourself to take your full annual leave, especially in these unusual times. Due to the pandemic, you might have missed out on a summer holiday, but we don’t want to hear any excuses about missing your autumn break.

Brits are famous for not taking their full holiday entitlement...

So, let's look at the numbers. In the UK we do very well for annual leave. Very well indeed. By law, those in full-time work are entitled to a minimum of 28 days (just over five weeks) statutory leave. This is the seventh highest-paid leave entitlement globally.


However, looking at the numbers it seems like Brits are not taking advantage of their full holiday entitlement. A survey by British Airways revealed that half of the population (52%) have leftover holiday allowance come winter, the majority of which (64%) will end up losing days completely.

"A survey by British Airways revealed that half of the population (52%) have left over holiday allowance come winter, the majority of which (64%) will end up losing days completely"

Thinking about a different set of numbers now; in the case of personal finance those who do not take their full annual leave are in-effect forfeiting salary - should they be unable to carry days over or claim pay for the unused holiday. Consider this: for every day of leave that you do not take you are paying your employer for the privilege. So why are we still so reluctant to take a break?

We must realise there are boundries to our work...

Occupational Psychologist Julia Knight suggests that we are less likely to take our annual leave due to what is called a “psychological contract” with our employers. This is an internalised set of rules by which we abide that overstate what we owe our employers in regards to time, energy, commitment and loyalty


Of course, it is important to be diligent during the working day and fulfil our contracted obligations, but we must realise there are boundaries to our work and that putting in the extra hours (or, in this instance, not taking our allotted downtime) should never be at our own personal expense.  

"putting in the extra hours should never be at our own personal expense"

Knight also acknowledges that the idea of taking leave can trigger anxiety in some. Feelings that your workload is currently too high, that it may be too high upon your return to work or that you’ll be leaving colleagues in the lurch, she calls “thinking errors.” Once again suggesting that we may be catastrophising the impact that being away from our desks has and are prioritising our working lives over our wellbeing – to the detriment of ourselves and our employers.


At Luminate we encourage you to take feelings of anxiety seriously and put in place structures that might minimise this for you. Taking a break and allowing yourself the time required to truly switch-off can, in part, be the cure for these feelings and should not be perceived as the cause.  

Human Beings are not machines...

There is a widely used expression - you cannot pour from an empty cup - which applies well when thinking about using your annual leave. Human Beings are not machines. Taking breaks helps us manage our energy, relieve mental fatigue, gives us the opportunity to focus on other nourishing aspects of our lives and actually makes us more effective when back at work.

Those working 70-hours a week achieved no more than those working 55-hours a week...

There are countless studies that prove over-work decreases our productivity. One of them being John Pencavel’s 2013 study of munition workers at Stanford University. Pencavel studied their working hours and found definitively that there is a threshold that, when reached, negatively affects our productivity - those working 70-hours a week achieved no more than those working 55-hours a week, with a higher rate of accidents and, eventually, higher rates of sickness and absence. It’s worth noting too, Pencavel found that weekend breaks had a further positive impact on worker output.

And, you know what might have an even greater positive impact: a long weekend.

Two days is just enough time to recover, it's not enough to enrich ourselves...

Several social theorists make the argument that a two-day weekend is simply the time it takes to recover from work, and not enough time to truly enrich ourselves and, consequently, enrich society.


By taking an extended period of time off work we are giving ourselves the opportunity to engage in activities and make connections that nourish us, without the pressure of cramming this around the life admin usually reserved for weekends.


Some of us may even perceive our leisure time through the lens of productivity, but sometimes by just giving yourself permission to just do nothing, to enjoy your relationships, to explore your surroundings and to be present in the moment can enhance our sense of wellbeing and that of those around us. 

Having something to look forward can also give us a sense of progress...

TravelSuperMarket carried out a survey and that found 45% of British workers felt that holidays were vital to their mental and physical health and keep them motivated while in the office.

Having something to look forward can also give us a sense of the progress during a time when life, for many of us, feels like it’s been put on hold.

With the continuation of home-working, the lines between our work-life and home-life blurring to the point where we may question whether, because we are spending so much time in our personal space, we are less in need of breaks. But working from home comes with its own set of stressors including long periods of isolation and difficulty balancing our family’s, partner’s or children’s needs with meeting deadlines, not to mention the general sense of uncertainly that the pandemic has brought us.

Now more than ever do we need to be vigilant and careful with our mental health and that of others. So, take care and for goodness sake take your annual leave.

Who are Luminate?

Luminate are a workplace wellbeing consultancy, committed to rewriting the story of mental health in the workplace all across the UK.  They work with businesses to improve the health and wellbeing of their people, helping individuals develop new tools and techniques to look after their health and prioritise self-care.

Find us at www.weareluminate.co or @weareluminate on social media.

How can virtuo help?

We are big believers in the importance of taking a break and have readied a toolbox to help you. We've put together a 101 guide of all you need to know about your annual leave. We didn't just stop there, we have also done some research and created a whole host of posts of where to go! Most importantly, you can book with total peace of mind, we offer complete flexibility you can amend or cancel your booking up to 24 hours before its due to start. So, what's stopping you?

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